The study examines, amongst other things, how well countrys are prepared for the digital Revolution and the issues related with “Industry 4.0”.
Author: dreiss
António Campinos takes over the Presidency of the EPO
António Campinos took over the presidency of the European Patent Office on July 2nd.(Read more…)
The international Ranking of LEADERS LEAGUE views DREISS among Germany’s TOP-Firms.
Adidas averts registration of two parallel stripes on shoes as a trademark
Adidas was able to suceed in front of the General Court of the European Union in averting the registration of two parallel stripes on shoes as a European Trademark for Shoe Branding Europe.The Court found that there is a likelihood that the marks applied for in the present case unfairly exploit the earlier Adidas mark consisting of the representation of three parallel stripes on a shoe (judgments of 01.03.2018, Case No: T-85/16 and T-629/16).(Read more…)
The updated fourth edition of textbook “Designschutz” has been published
Prof. Bulling’s team of authors explains in the usual clear, practice-oriented and easy-to-understand way the requirements for protection, application procedures and registration of designs not only according to German and European law, but also concerning the US, Japan, China and Korea. The authors also present the nullity and infringement proceedings and related legal remedies with the necessary precision. In doing so, they took into account the amendments to the German Design Act, which came into force in 2014, and the current case law.(Read more…)