Not only Wirtschaftswoche and IAM1000 rate DREISS as a TOP firm: Financial Times recently (Read more…)
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DREISS Authors publishing internationally
The renowned book on Design protection by the DREISS-Authors Bulling / Langöhrig / Hellwig / Müller: Designschutz in Deutschland und Europa mit USA, Japan, China und Korea (Read more…)
New recommendations and rankings for DREISS
The renowned “Wirtschaftswoche” as well as the legal business guide JUVE are highlighting the team of DREISS. (Read more…)
Dreiss is recommended in two categories in the international Rankings of IAM.
DREISS is presenting at the Annual Meeting of the LAIPLA
The Los Angeles Intellectual Property Law Association hosted its Annual Meeting on march 5th and Dr. David Sinz represented Dreiss on this occasion. He discussed effective IP-strategies in various jurisdictions together with other international IP-Experts of the DREISS-network. Other speakers were Peter (Sungjin) Chun of Korea, Shuichi Shitara of Japan, Shengping Yang of China. The event was moderated by George R. McGuire, United States. The experts of DREISS have already held successful and well received events with the afore mentioned colleagues in the past in which a wide audience could be educated with regard to multi-jurisdictional IP-practice.